

Lilia G. Ashe is a creative entrepreneur who loves to empower women through health and wellness. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Health Science, a Certificate in Women’s Healing Arts and completed her first year in MSW: Community Development and Administration. And currently a certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a CMT license (92784).

As a full time program coordinator for a non-profit clinic and having gone through her own personal miscarriages; she was inspired to create change through her own healing process. Her own personal healing journey took her to creating a platform and services where women can gather, heal, support, and connect. With much passion for her work, she created services that not only honor the health of the womb, but connect women to different healing modalities in their wellness journey. If you like to work with Lilia 1:1 or book as a speaker or for an event contact her at: saludablelatina@gmail.com.


Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger and healthier community.

Healthier Communities is one way the Saludable Latina- Health and Wellness reaches out to its neighbors, women whose demographic, economic or cultural characteristics hinder their access to services or place them at risk for poor health outcomes. The goal of Saludable Latina is to improve the health of women through simple holistic practices.

Photo by Lesly Juarez

Photo by Lesly Juarez


Unified by a love for wellness and creating healthy spaces.

We hope that by embracing small changes we can make a lasting difference to our own health and life. Seeking vitality and balance is an important part of relationships and interactions as well as healing and regenerative. Free your Mind, Spirit and Soul to help remove negativity and in return support aliveness and balance.
